Qdi Training Percipio (2025)

1. Sign into (login) Percipio - Skillsoft Product Documentation

  • Log in with Percipio credentials. On the Let's get started page, enter your Percipio or corporate login name or email. Enter your password. Click Start Learning ...

  • To sign into Percipio, ELSA, or the app you must have:

2. Sign in to your Percipio, Coaching, or Skillport Account - Skillsoft

  • Sign in to continue your learning journey with Skillsoft Percipio or Skillsoft Coaching.

3. Driver Training | Enhance Your Skills for a Successful Career

  • Driver training is delivered through a variety of modes and media: Classroom Instructor-Led, Online, Computer-Based Training (CBT) and On-the-Job Training (OJT) ...

  • We implement training programs that ensure our drivers can continue career-long learning whether they are on-site, on the road or at home.

4. Percipio - Immersive Learning Platform - Skillsoft

5. Log in to MyQCI - Quality Carriers

  • Driver Training · QC Advantage · Driver Portal · Electronic Log System · Quality Cares Program · Driver Recognition · Driver Safety · Driver Training. About Us.

6. QDI Systems: Home

  • Bevat niet: percipio | Resultaten tonen met:percipio

7. Welcome to Percipio Online Courses and Training - Skillsoft

8. Percipio - Leerplatforms en bootcamps - Skillsoft

  • Bevat niet: qdi | Resultaten tonen met:qdi

  • Percipio, Skillsofts platform voor gepersonaliseerd leren, online training en online bootcamps, stelt organisaties in staat hun personeel te transformeren.

9. Skillsoft Percipio App

  • Bevat niet: qdi | Resultaten tonen met:qdi

  • Scan QR Code to install the app directly Please note that Skillsoft's immersive learning platform, Percipio, is not available through your mobile browser…

10. Percipio Admin Training Home - Skillsoft Product Documentation

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  • As a Percipio administrator, you have the ability to configure several elements of your site to meet the needs of your organization. Follow the guided training path to learn how to set up your site, organize your user community, and manage a wide variety of learning content.

11. Introducing Skillsoft Percipio – Your new interactive, personalized ...

  • Bevat niet: qdi | Resultaten tonen met:qdi

  • With the transition from Skillsoft SkillPort to Skillsoft Percipio, you now have access to a blend of self-paced online courses, books and audio books, hands-on practice and live online bootcamps to

12. Skillsoft Percipio - Immersive Online Learning Platform

  • Bevat niet: qdi | Resultaten tonen met:qdi

  • Skillsoft's AI-driven learning platform helps organizations identify and close skill gaps to propel workforce transformation.

Qdi Training Percipio (2025)


What is Percipio training? ›

Skillsoft Percipio is a free online training library that provides access to thousands of video courses, books, audiobooks, certification tools, and practice labs.

How to access Percipio Army? ›

The URL is typically: https://sitename.percipio.com, where your sitename is your company name. Check site name validity. Enter your Percipio credentials, Login name or email and password, or your corporate network credentials.

Is Percipio a learning management system? ›

Percipio is a modern, up-to-date learning management system (LMS) that enables users to find required training and additional learning opportunities. Learners can access the same required courses and onboarding training in an easy-to-use interface.

How to login to Percipio? ›

If using Percipio Credentials, you will be asked for your Email Address or Login Name. After selecting Next, you will be brought to a page where it asks for your password.

Can I get certified on Percipio? ›

If you have completed a course within Percipio that is certified for one of the above mentioned accreditation programs, you can request an official certificate through our Certificate Request form. You must achieve at least a 70% score within the course.

How do you complete a Percipio course? ›

You must meet a minimum score on the course's test via the Take Test button. In the course example below, you must score a 70% or higher on the test for Percipio to mark the course as complete.

Does the army still use Percipio? ›

The Army E-Learning platform Percipio, formerly Skillport, will sunset February 29th, 2024 due to a funding shortfall. After the 29th of February, you'll no longer be able to access the platform, consequently resulting in the inability to complete any more courses.

What is army Percipio? ›

On March 1, 2024, the Coast Guard workforce gained access to the new version of Skillsoft, called Percipio, from any CAC-enabled device. Percipio is an immersive learning platform that provides all Coast Guard personnel with a more interactive experience for professional development.

Who uses Percipio? ›

Companies using Skillsoft Percipio Platform for Learning and Development include: FedEx, a United States based Transportation organisation with 328000 employees and revenues of $90.16 billion, Accenture, a Ireland based Professional Services organisation with 750000 employees and revenues of $64.11 billion, WESCO, a ...

How good is Percipio? ›

Percipio is very helpful for skill development and career growth. It has a wide range of courses, books, and videos about pretty much every subject.

What is the meaning of Percipio? ›

Percipio is Latin for learn. With Percipio, you can experience multiple ways to learn - you can Watch, Read, or Listen to content, as well as Practice what you've learned using various resources available to you.

Is Percipio an app? ›

The Percipio mobile app extends your learning experience to your mobile device, and supports installation on phones and tablets. Improve yourself in minutes a day — anytime, anywhere. Access content across a variety of topics including business, personal development, desktop software, and IT.

Is Percipio free? ›

Skillsoft Percipio delivers immersive learning that lets you "watch," "read," "listen," and "practice." And ELSA, a Skillsoft Percipio browser plug-in, enables you to search, discover, and learn in real-time and in the context of your everyday workflow without leaving your browser. Register now for your free access.

How does Percipio work? ›

The platform makes skilling personalized and accessible, offering a blend of self-paced online courses, hands-on practice, virtual live online classes, compliance courses, and coaching to close skill gaps and mitigate risk.

How to download Percipio? ›

From your device, open the App Store. In the search box, enter Percipio. Tap Get.

What are the benefits of Percipio? ›

Percipio gives learners the ability to search for content or answers using an in-browser search function. Getting instant access to what is needed without having to log into another system. It is performance support and just-in-time learning made easy!

Is Percipio better than Udemy? ›

In the Learning Management Systems market, Udemy has a 4.36% market share in comparison to Skillsoft Percipio's 0.05%. Since it has a better market share coverage, Udemy holds the 5th spot in 6sense's Market Share Ranking Index for the Learning Management Systems category, while Skillsoft Percipio holds the 91st spot.

Is Percipio any good? ›

Percipio is very helpful for skill development and career growth. It has a wide range of courses, books, and videos about pretty much every subject.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.