The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (2025)

​​​​This article contains spoilers for ​​​​Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 8.

Jojo's Bizzare Adventure tells a generation-spanning tale of good versus evil. But, at the end of Part 6: Stone Ocean, the universe underwent a whole reboot. The entire cast was changed, and so too was the setting, timeline, and narrative philosophy of author Hirohiko Araki, who was now more interested in even more experimental storytelling. This new Jojo's Bizarre Adventure universe featured a story titled Jojolion.

This new continuity would receive its own Josuke Higashikata and introduce a new variation of the Higashikata family and their strangeness. Unlike the previous Higashikata family from part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, this one is far more expanded with multiple generations coming into play.

Generation 1: Norisuke Higashikata I and Teru Higashikata

Norisuke Was Introduced in Steel Ball Run Chapter 40: Silent Way, Part 1

The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (1)

Norisuke was an egotistic Japanese man born in 1846 with great pride. He participated in the Steele Ball run race, where he met the protagonist of that part, Johnny Joestar. Norisuke has little to do in part 7 but gets injured during the fight with Sandman. Norisuke ends the race in 2nd place and receives a ton of prize money. Using this money, he began a successful business importing foreign fruit that placed his money into sound financial security for the foreseeable future. It's important to remember that Norisuke was likely the second son of the previous Generation of the family, thanks to the Higashikata family disease, the Rock Disease.

The Rock Disease is a hereditary illness that affects the firstborn of the Higashikata family; if the firstborn is a son, they'll receive the disease at 10, whereas daughters will receive it at any point.Before winning the race, Norisuke married a woman named Teru, who had no significant character details. The two of them had four children together: two unnamed daughters, a son who took his father's name, and Rina Higashikata, who was the firstborn of the pair. Norisuke died in 1931 at the age of 85. It's likely Teru died around then as well, but it is never explicitly stated.

Generation 2: Norisuke Higashikata II and Rina Higashikata's Marriage

The Introduction to the Joestar Bloodline

The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (2)

The two most notable members of the second Generation are Rina and Norisuke II. Norisuke II was Norisuke's first son and is first mentioned in Chapter 11, "Family Tree." Norisuke was born in 1872 and married a woman named Toyoko, who would father three daughters and two sons. Rina Higashikata meets Johnny Joestar on the ship crossing the Atlantic after the events of Steel Ball Run.


From the two protagonists' untimely deaths to Jonathan Joestar's lack of a Stand, here are some similarities and differences between the JoJo stars.

The two would then fall in love and live together on a ranch until they marry. Rina would then take on a mysterious illness that gave her dementia and turned her skin stiff and foldable. Johnny, in an act of love, brings her back to Japan to spend her last days of life in her hometown and tries to re-obtain the corpse of Jesus Christ, one of the most controversial aspects of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, to cure his wife's illness. The illness was instead transferred to their son George II, and their second child, Johnny Joestar, used his Stand: Tusk to take the disease onto himself, killing him in 1901. This began the knowledge that the disease could be transferred.

Generation 3: Norisuke Higashikata III, George II and Unnamed Children

Some of the More Mysterious Members of the Higashikata Family

This part of the tree has two essential members: Norisuke Higashikata III and George II, who would father the next Generation of important Higashikata family members. Nothing is known about these two other than who they gave birth to. Norisuke III, nicknamed Josho, was born in 1908 and would likely die sometime before 2011, the start of the series.

The same is true for his wife, Tomoko, who was killed by the Rock Disease. This is also likely where the tradition of dressing the firstborn son up as a girl to escape the Rock Disease started. Norisuke III had four more siblings, but they went unnamed. George II, on the other hand, would be the father of this new reality's Joseph Joestar.

Generation 4: Norisuke Higashikata IV's Word is Law

Norisuke Higashikata IV is one of the Major Characters in Jojolion

The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (4)

Norisuke IV is the wielder of the long-range Stand, King Nothing. In 1963, when Norisuke IV was 11, his mother, Tomoko, took his place. Since then, he has used the Higashikata Fruit Company fortune to help find a cure for the Rock Disease. As an adult, he would marry a woman named Kaato and have four children with her: Jobin, Hato, Joshu, and Daiya.

Their marriage ended in divorce after she was incarcerated for killing a bully to spare her son the Rock Disease when it was manifesting. Norisuke IV told his children that their mother had died. She would later die during the events of Jojolion in 2011. Norisuke IV would be one of the significant characters in the Jojolion story, adopting and giving Josuke the last name Higashikata. Despite his laid-back personality, he is the current head of the family and deeply loves his children.

Everything here has a natural "flow". Now "flow" is a metaphor, but if you don't fight it, you'll definitely reach your goal.— Norisuke IV

On the other side of the tree is Joseph Joestar, the grandson of Johnny Joestar and the son of George II. Nicknamed Fumi, he was a teenager who lived in Morioh in 1941 when he encountered Lucy Steel in Morioh investigating the Locacaca. He battles with Radio Gaga, a creature protecting the Locacaca, and then accompanies Lucy to America. Before he could travel back, World War II broke out in 1941, keeping him stuck in America and as Lucy's assistant in New York. In 1952, he meets a woman from the Speed Wagon Foundation, Suzi Q. The two get married and have two daughters.

Generation 5: The Jojolion Main Cast

The Main Cast of Jojolion Has Extras That Could be Confusing

This is where most of the main cast of Jojolion exists. First is the first son, Jobin Higashikata, born in 1979. His desire to climb to the top while others stay at the bottom led him to become an antagonist of the series and desire the power of the Locacaca, even at the cost of his own siblings. Jobin would marry Mitsuba and perish during the events of Jojolion in 2011. Mitsuba was a vain human who cared more about her appearance than anything else except her son.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 10 Ways JoJolion Has Changed Since 2011

JoJolion continues to turn out a thrilling narrative, but it’s one that’s also significantly developed since its start.

The second child of the fifth Generation is Hato, born in 1987. Despite her age, she works as a model and is seen as very playful and jolly. The third child is Joshu Higashikata, born in 1992. He would be seen as more of an idiot than his siblings and have a crush on the deuteragonist Yasuho Hirose. He's described as the archetypical spoiled teenager. Norisuke IV and Kaato's final child was Daiya, born in 1995. As the youngest, she's very outgoing and friendly towards Josuke. She's also severely sight-impaired and can't read a paper right under her nose.

In 2011, as part of the plot of Jojolion, the family adopted the amnesiac Josuke Higashikata into the family. Josuke was actually the combined result of Josefumi Kujo and Yoshikage Kira. The properties of the ground the two were buried in caused them to fuse into Josuke. This is important to remember because Yoshikage Kira is part of the 6th Generation because his mother is Holy Joestar-Kira, the daughter of Joseph Joestar. The two daughters of Joseph Joestar and Suzi Q were Holy Joestar-Kira and Barbara Ann Joestar. Where Holy remained in Morioh and Japan, having two kids of her own with a man named Yoshiteru Kira. Barbara eventually went to Hawaii, where she had two entirely separate kids much later than her sister.

Generation 6: The Current Generation

The Sixth Generation is A Mess of Connections

The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (6)

The most straightforward connection for the sixth Generation is Tsurugi Higashikata, born in 2002 to Mitsuba and Jobin. Tsurugi dresses like a girl out of fear of the Rock Disease and cooperates with Josuke to find a cure. His disease became an issue during the later parts of Jojolion in 2011 but was stopped thanks to Kato's stand, which was then used to kill Toru, ending the curse for good.

The next part contains some more confusing aspects. Holy Joestar-Kira would have two kids, Yoshikage Kira and Kei Nijimura. Kira eventually became Josuke and was adopted into the Higashikata family before 2011. Kei became the family's housekeeper to investigate their secret. Kei was born in 1989, and Kira was born sometime before that, though he can technically be considered dead now.

Barbara marries an unnamed man and has two children, the dual protagonists of Jojolands, Part 9 of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. One was in 2005, Dragonia Joestar, and another was in 2008, Jodio. The family moved to Honolulu in 2019, and she eventually separated from her husband after financial struggles. The Part is still ongoing, meaning that more of the Joestar family could be revealed, but at the moment, the Higashikata family side hasn't created a new generation.

The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (7)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

The story of the Joestar family, who are possessed with intense psychic strength, and the adventures each member encounters throughout their lives.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Hirohiko Araki

Adventure, Supernatural

JoJo Bizarre Adventure
The Higashikata Family Tree from Jojolion, Explained (2025)
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